Five Tips for Choosing and Matching Colours
One of the toughest decisions that any person planning a new house faces is which colour to paint the walls, what couches will fit them, and if the colour of the kitchen surface needs to match the colour of the fridge or perhaps it is better to choose contrasting colours?
A moment before you select the colors for your walls, work surfaces or couches for your new home, we asked designer Leora Sternfeld – who for the past 20 years has specialized in interior design of private homes, apartments
and penthouses- to share what is important to know so that you don’t miss anything when you start your undertaking.
A choice of a colour palette that repeats itself. Try to make sure that it doesn’t take over the house.
1. If there is a colour that you especially like, it is important to ensure that it doesn’t completely take over the entire apartment.
It is fine to incorporate a purple couch or to paint a wall orange, but you need to be mindful that the colour won’t be too dominant.
2. Once you have chosen a colour scheme, it is best to repeat it in different areas of the house, whether in the textiled
artefacts or one of the walls. If you are hesitant of unusual colour combinations, it is recommended to keep to the same
scheme, since it is harder to make mistakes that way.
For example: shades of light blue, blue and purple enable you to stay in a relatively “safe” space. In any case, it is best to
be cautious when combining opposing colours: these type of combinations, like green and Christmas red, may be exciting at
first, but they are difficult to live with in the long run.
Staying in the same colour scheme is the best way to avoid mistakes. Design and planning: Leora Sternfeld. Photography: Uzi Porat
Design and planning: Leora Sternfeld. Photography: Uzi Porat
3. Similar to the process of designing and planning the entire house, when choosing colours, it is best not to plan rooms that
are “for show” only, such as an all white living room. Aside from the lack of functionality, the result is always alienating.
In such cases it is preferable to introduce a personal touch by adding a dash of colour to the curtains, pillows or by adding
pieces of art, that create an inviting and approachable atmosphere.
Don’t be afraid to introduce colour into your home. Caesarstone’s 5130 surface
4. In the children’s room you can go wild with bolder colours. Children love to hop from one thing to another and this energizes
them. It is always nice to give them a wall that they can paint on and then erase and then repaint, without the limitations of paper.
5. Most importantly, don’t be afraid and trust the architect or designer that you are working with. Most people are afraid to
use colour and there is no logical explanation for this.